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TEPPIES for EU Funding

Build­ing strong col­lab­o­ra­tive tex­tile research projects

The Textile Project Proposal Information Exchange System (TEPPIES) is our members-only brokerage system designed to help our research and industry members to form strong European consortia to successfully apply for funding opportunities provided by the EU research and innovation framework programme.

The Tex­tile ETP monitors textile-related calls for proposals and tenders from the EU programmes (i.e. Horizon Europe, European Defence Fund,...) and informs its member about the opportunities.

How does TEPPIES work?

Through a system of non-confidential expressions of interest (EoI), members signal their interest to lead a project proposal in response to a specific thematic call for proposals published by the European Commission.

All EoI’s are collected by the Textile ETP and distributed to all members. At a brokerage event, well in advance of the EU submission deadline, all project promotors have the chance to pitch their project idea and find expertise and partners they may still be missing in their consortium. No screening or pre-evaluation of these project ideas takes place, nor does the Textile ETP intervene in the partnership building, project proposal preparation, and submission process.

All Textile ETP members can request a letter of support signed by the Textile ETP secretariat guaranteeing free access to all communication and dissemination channels of the organisation in case the project is accepted for funding and implemented.