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Who we are

The European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (Textile ETP)

The European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (Textile ETP) was created in 2004 to match research and innovation needs and priorities of the European industry (represented by companies, associations, and clusters) with the knowledge, scientific and technological capacities of universities, research organisations and technology developers to raise the sector’s competitiveness through intensified collaborative research and innovation.

Through its broad membership base, the Textile ETP aims to represent the research and innovation interests of the entire manufacturing value chain from fibres to final textile-based products as well as directly allied industries.

Since 2013 the Textile ETP has been established as an international non-profit association under Belgian law with its permanent premises based in Brussels.

Our daily work is mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary, and touches many fields of application.

  • Our Mission

    The core mis­sion of the Tex­tile ETP is to strength­en and ensure the long-term com­pet­i­tive­ness of the Euro­pean tex­tile and cloth­ing indus­try through col­lab­o­ra­tive research and inno­va­tion at the Euro­pean level.

    To reinforce the position of Europe as a leading global player in the development and manufacturing of fibres, textiles, textile-based products, and apparel, the Textile ETP pursues the following key objectives:

    🤝 The organisation of an effective European-wide expert network involving industry, research organisations, public authorities, financial institutions, and other stakeholders to join forces and coordinate their efforts in research, development, and innovation to benefit the European Textile and Clothing Industry.

    ⚙️ The definition of common industrial strategies and implementation of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) through targeted collaborative research, technology development, and innovation efforts within the textile sector and in cooperation with related industries.

    💡 The development of structures and measures to improve this industrial sector's overall research, development, and innovation framework conditions focuses specifically but not exclusively on removing financial, educational, legal, and regulatory obstacles.

    Overall, the European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing will remain focused on allocating its resources to the most promising fields of R&D and innovation action activities to ensure long-term industry competitiveness for the benefit of economic growth, jobs and sustainable development in Europe. It will continue to operate openly and transparently, inviting every organisation and individual interested in research, development, and innovation across Europe to join its activities.

  • Our Vision

    The future of Europe’s textile and clothing industry will be built on its existing strengths (1) creativity in design and product development, (2) innovation in materials and processes, (3) flexibility in production and supply chain management, and (4) quality of products and services.

    The Textile ETP is based on three pillars, which at the same time represent the three crucial elements of a long-term vision that will exploit these strengths while at the same time benefiting from general societal and economic trends:

    🧶 A move from commodities towards specialty products from high-tech processes along the entire value chain from fibres to final products with highly functional, purpose-targeted properties;

    🧵 The establishment and expansion of textile as a material of choice in many sectors and application fields (transport systems, construction, energy & environment markets, protective & medical applications, consumer electronics…);

    🪡 A move towards a new industrial era characterised by customisation, personalisation, as well as flexible, on-demand production coupled with intelligent logistics, distribution, and services.

  • What is an ETP?

    Euro­pean Tech­nol­o­gy Plat­forms (ETPs) are open net­works of research and inno­va­tion stake­hold­ers in a par­tic­u­lar sec­tor or tech­nol­o­gy domain.

    The cre­ation of Euro­pean Tech­nol­o­gy Plat­forms wares encour­aged by the Euro­pean Union in the ear­ly 2000s to serve as a sin­gle voice and rep­re­sen­ta­tive of a Euro­pean sec­toral inno­va­tion com­mu­ni­ty pro­vid­ing guid­ance to pol­i­cy mak­ers in the design and man­age­ment of research and inno­va­tion sup­port pro­grammes.

    Today, over 30 ETPs across all types of indus­tries and tech­nol­o­gy domains are active in Europe. The Tex­tile ETP was part of the first wave of ETPs launched in 2004.

Our reach

Research & Development

Our Governing Board

Our Team

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Our History

20 years of Textile ETP

Launch of the SmartX Innovation Hub, and Circular & Biobased Textiles Innovation Hub


Launch of the European Masterclass Pilot "Textile Digitalisation"
• Launch of ECOSYSTEX, the European Community of Practice for a Sustainable Textile Ecosystem, and organisation of the 1st ECOSYSTEX Conference in Barcelona, Spain
Marina Crnoja-Cosic is elected as President of the Governing Board.
• Exhibitor stand at ITMA Fair for the first time
Celebration of the 10th anniversary of Textile ETP as legal entity


• Launch of the European Masterclass "Innovation in Circular & Biobased Textiles"


• Launch of the European Masterclass "Innovating In Smart Textiles"
• Organisation of the 15th Textile ETP Annual Conference, online


• Launch of Strategic Programmes “Circular Economy” and “Biobased Fibres”
• Start of the COVID-response research project RESERVIST, funded by Horizon 2020


• Launch of SmartX, the first EU-funded project coordinated by the Textile ETP
• Reorganisation of the ETP membership structure, NETFAS (the Network of European Textile and Fashion Universities of Applied Sciences) and EU-Textile 2030 (the network of European Textile Innovation Clusters) join EURATEX and TEXTRANET as full members of the Textile ETP
Michael Kamm is elected as President of the Governing Board.

Textile ETP New strategy

Strategic review of the Textile ETP structure and activities, adoption of a new strategy focussed on 3 core functions:
Strategic Connector
• Think Tank & Advocate
• Intelligence and Funding Provider.


The 2nd Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda “Towards a 4th Industrial Revolution in Textiles and Clothing” is published at the event “European Textiles – Going digital, going high-tech”.

10 years of Textile ETP

Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the creation of Textile ETP

Establishment of the Textile ETP as an independent legal entity

Establishment of the Textile ETP as an independent legal entity by 3 co-founder organisations: EURATEX (representing the industry), TEXTRANET (representing the Textile Research and Technology Organisations) and AUTEX (representing leading European universities with textile research departments)
• Palo Canonico (Italy) is elected as 1st President of the Governing Board


Several cross-sectoral innovation collaborations with other ETPs and European sector associations are launched including the EU Lead Market initiative on Protective Textiles & Clothing and the ManuTex and BioTex initiatives.

1st Strategic Research Agenda

The 1st Strategic Research Agenda “The Future is Textiles” is published and the first Textile ETP Annual public Conference is held in Brussels, Belgium
Launch of the first TEPPIES call to support Textile ETP in building project consortia and applying for funding under the EU research & innovation framework programme.

A Governing Council is established

A Governing Council is established as the highest strategic decision-making body of the organisation bringing together members from industry, applied research and academia

The Textile ETP is launched

The Textile ETP is launched as an industry-led initiative in an inauguration event under patronage of EU Research Commissioner Janez Potočnik, following a recommendation by the EU High Level Group on Textiles and Clothing, publication of the Vision 2020 position paper.

Textile ETP’s statutes are available here.