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Since 2020, the Textile ETP organises year-long masterclasses on various topics.

Besides gain­ing knowl­edge, under­stand­ing mar­ket, and reg­u­la­to­ry trends, projects, tech trends, and strate­gies, the Mas­ter­classes also pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty to net­work with com­pa­nies and experts from all across Europe.

Masterclass: Innovation in Circular & Biobased Textiles (ended in December 2023)

The Tex­tile ETP, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with STFI (DE), RISE (SE), Cen­tex­bel (BE), and Cen­tro­cot (IT) launched a new Euro­pean Mas­ter­class in Spring 2022, focus­ing on Inno­va­tion in Cir­cu­lar & Biobased Tex­tiles.

The content focused on the intersection of research, technology development, and practical know-how from industrial applications. It also covers broader picture topics such as market and regulatory trends, standards, best practices, and new business models.

Masterclass Pilot: Textile Digitalisation (ended in June 2023)

The Textile ETP, in collaboration with CITEVE (PT), DITF (DE), ITA RWTH Aachen (DE), ITM TU Dresden (DE), STFI (DE), and TEX IS MORE (BE) launched a European Masterclass Pilot in early 20223, focusing on Textile Digitalisation.

The 6-month pilot programme of 6 webinars covered textile digitalisation with introductions and some success cases of applied research (including EU/national project results), technology development, industry innovation & market trends from across Europe.

Masterclass: Innovating In Smart Textiles (ended in May 2022)

In 2021-2022, the Tex­tile ETP, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with TIT­ERA, craft­ed a Euro­pean Mas­ter­class pro­gramme includ­ing a 15-months learn­ing jour­ney, span­ning 7 con­tent mod­ules for a total of 12 webinars.

This masterclass combined insights and latest developments from leading technology developers, industry innovators and end-market experts across all disciplines of Innovating in Smart Textiles European Masterclass the European smart textiles ecosystem.