Textile ETP at the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference

On 2 December, our Secretary General Lutz Walter spoke at the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Aachen, Germany.

His address focused on the EU Textile Strategy, and how it can be implemented from a policy perspective into industrial practice. Lutz Walter took also this opportunity to emphasis on the need for a massive research, innovation and technology push to realise the vision and ambitions of the EU Textile Strategy. He also presented Textile ETP's recently published 2022 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, which states the current situation of the textile sector and the challenges it is facing, and explain our EU policy recommendations.

Every year, the regions of Aachen, Dresden and Denkendorf form a triangle for textile research and innovation. The locations jointly organize the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, which is one of the most important textile conferences in Europe with regularly more than 600 participants from industry and academic research. It is an opportunity for participants to benefits from personal exchanges and the special atmosphere of a face-to-face event. Among the topics discussed this year, we could hear about sustainability, the future of textile production, textiles for medicine and health, smart textiles & fashion or technology Transfer.


Textile ETP at the SCIRT Interim Event


The public version of our 2022 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda is now online!