RESERVIST discusses Emergency Preparedness in Europe
On 13 April, RESERVIST partners will be introducing their results and inviting policymakers, researchers, industrialists, and civil society groups to discuss preparedness, share information on current instruments and challenges, and explore future actions. The event will be an opportunity to introduce preparedness from various angles, including policy, industrial, and civil perspectives.
At the EU level, various policy instruments and knowledge platforms have been developed by different directorates to address emergency preparedness. The European Commission has also funded many projects to work on different aspects of crisis management, with a focus on managing pandemics. These projects have recently united to form the PREparedness and resPonse for emergency situAtions in euRopE (PREPARE) cluster. Together, these projects are exploring synergies, research opportunities, and delivering joint activities to maximize impact.
The event aims to present RESERVIST results within this policy context and cluster PREPARE, and to discuss new models and instruments for better preparedness, especially at the manufacturing/industrial level. By bringing together stakeholders from different sectors, the event aims to foster collaboration and cooperation in support of emergency preparedness in Europe. The event will be streamed live on RESERVIST YouTube channel.
The ‘Supporting Emergency Preparedness in Europe’ event is organised in collaboration with the PREPARE cluster, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), and RiskPACC.
The RESERVIST project focused on creating alternative production lines called "reservist cells" that can be activated within 48 hours in order to quickly switch from a day-to-day production line to one that focuses on products and services needed in times of crisis. More information on