Keynote speaker Mr. Andreas Lymberis, head of the sector "Wearables & Bioelectronics" at DG CONNECT of the European Commission shared interesting views on the strategy and position of the EU in the fast-evolving world of textiles wearables and gave a preview of the future opportunities that will be offered by the new Horizon Europe program from 2021.
During the second part of the workshop, three companies were given the opportunity to share their views and experiences on the development of smart textiles. The company Tajima showed how they develop new types of embroidery machines to permit the large-scale industrial manufacturing of smart textiles that incorporate electronic components. The companies VdS Weaving and Desimone shared their experiences in building value chain partnerships to take the development of smart textiles from the prototype stage to the market.
The animated interactions that followed will surely lead to new developments and may have triggered SME partnerships to apply for the first open call of SmartX expected to be launched in late November.