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Textile ETP at the exCITE Symposium

On 10 September, our project manager Judith Bosch presented Textile ETP at the exCITE Symposium in Aachen, Germany.

This event, co-organised by the CITE project and our member ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, was focused on exploring advancements in circular economy and technology. With a spotlight on successful innovation support and capacity-building initiatives, the symposium discussed new pathways for impactful circularity, relevant funding, and strategic partnerships.

As a key partner in the CITE project, our project manager, Judith Bosch was invited to present Textile ETP, our SmartX Innovation Hub and Circular & Biobased Textiles Innovation Hub to the audience. 

The symposium also marked a significant milestone as it concluded the two-year CITE project, which has successfully created a dynamic and agile ecosystem within and between higher education institutions.

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