Ongoing Textile ETP Ongoing Textile ETP

SOLSTICE (2024-2027)

SOLSTICE addresses key social and technical challenges within the textile industry. Through active demonstration in four European regions, the project showcases the implementation of climate-neutral practices and the transition towards a circular economy specifically tailored for the textile sector.

Its comprehensive approach encompasses all stages of waste prevention and management, guided by a holistic 5R strategy: Refuse/Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Repurpose, and Recycle.

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Ongoing Textile ETP Ongoing Textile ETP

PESCO-UP (2024-2027)

By 2025, textile waste collection will be mandatory in EU member states, and PESCO-UP aims to lead the charge in transforming this societal challenge into a business opportunity.

The ambition of PESCO-UP is to transform the textile recycling industry by creating new raw materials from mixed wastes. It addresses the circularity across the textile recycling value chain, and reduces the industry dependency on virgin materials.

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Ongoing Textile ETP Ongoing Textile ETP

RegioGreenTex (2023-2025)

In the framework of the European Green Deal, RegioGreenTex is a project promoting the collaboration in research and development for the textile industry to establish a systematic circular economy business model across the EU.

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Ongoing Textile ETP Ongoing Textile ETP

CISUTAC (2022-2026)

CISUTAC aims to increase circularity and sustainability in textiles and clothing in Europe by piloting digital repair and dismantling, and by novel recycling processes. It covers most parts of the textile sector by working on 2 material groups representing almost 90% of all textile fibre materials (polyester, and cotton/cellulosic fibres), and focusing on products from 3 types of products (fashion garments, sports and outdoor goods, and workwear).

CISUTAC also raises awareness among EU citizens about the environmental impact of buying new clothes and the benefits of reusing, donating and shopping second hand textiles.

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Ongoing Textile ETP Ongoing Textile ETP

IRISS (2022-2025)

The IRISS project aims to connect, synergize and transform the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design community in Europe and globally towards a lifecycle approach, with a holistic integration of safety, climate neutrality, circularity and functionality already in an early stage of designing and manufacturing materials, products and processes. It focuses on the value chains for textiles, construction, electronics, energy, automotive and packaging.

The project responds to meet the EU Green Deal, EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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