News & Events
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Events, conferences, awards, research, and innovations: stay tuned with the latest news from the Textile ETP, our members and the industry!
Textile ETP discusses the future of smart textiles at the WINTEX Project workshop in Tunisia
On 3 October 2022, Judith Bosch, our Project Manager, attended the WINTEX Project workshop held in Tunisia to discuss the future of smart textiles. She presented the current gaps and how a community is key to address those barriers.
Textile ETP at Techtextil 2022
The Textile ETP attended the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt between 21-24 June, 2022, welcoming our members and interested textile innovators.
Join our next webinar exploring EU Funding Opportunities for smart protective textiles & clothing for civil defence applications
A public webinar organised by European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (Textile ETP) and the European Society of Protective Clothing (ESPC). Date: Thu 7 March at 14.30 -17.00 CET.
Launch of new Masterclass: Innovation in Circular & Biobased Textiles
Today, the Textile ETP, in collaboration with STFI (DE), RISE (SE), Centexbel (BE), and Centrocot (IT) launches a new European Masterclass focusing on Innovation in Circular & Biobased Textiles.
Textile ETP presented EU Funding Opportunites at EURATEX Convention
On 8 and 9 November 2021, European textiles and clothing companies met in Antwerp to discuss the future of the textile industry.
Textile ETP Annual Conference 2021
The 2021 edition of our Annual Conference has just closed! We are glad about the very good participation during these both days, we counted around 140+ participants on day 1 and 130+ on day 2.
New Textile ETP New Board Elected
More than 80 members joined our General Assembly on Monday, June 21st. It was a great moment of sharing 2020 achievements and 2021 initiatives such as the Strategic Programmes on Circular Economy and Biobased Fibres and the Smart Textiles Masterclass.
Launch Of European Masterclass "Innovating In Smart Textiles"
Textile ETP, in collaboration with TITERA, crafted a Europen Masterclass programme representing a 15-months learning journey, spanning 7 content modules for a total of 12 webinars. Leading technology developers, industry innovators, and end-market experts across all disciplines of the European smart textiles ecosystem will share their insights and latest developments to enable you to realise the innovation potential in this growing field.
RegioTex - Supports New INTERREG Funding Instrument For Interregional Innovation Investments
RegioTex - Supports New INTERREG Funding Instrument For Interregional Innovation Investments
ETP General Assembly Elects New ETP President And Adopts ETP 2025 Strategy
We are delighted to welcome Michael Kamm as the new President of the Textile ETP. He is the Founder and CEO of Antevorte, Germany, and has been a member of the Governing Board since 2013.
1st European Textile Start-Up Summit - 17-18 April 2018 In Brussels
The 2018 annual public conference of the Textile ETP on 17-18 April in Brussels will feature the 1st European Textile Start-up Summit.
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